Sunday, March 24, 2013

SBBC Weeks 2 & 3

Things went a little downhill this past week in terms of the challenge... some of it beyond my control (getting sick) and some of it within my control (misplacing my points list, choosing to work on other projects instead of work out).

But I am happy to report that my family is on the mend from the illnesses of the past couple weeks and this week WILL be better! 

Here's the (very short!) rundown for weeks 2 & 3:
Week 2:
Mon: don't know, apparently forgot to write anything down
Tues: points for water & freggies (fruits & veggies), WOW - took 5 minutes
Weds: points for water & freggies, 1 hour swim
Thurs: points for water & freggies, 4 mile run (41:05 plus walked to 45 minute mark)
Fri: points for water & freggies
Sat/Sun: can't find where I wrote it down and can't remember if I hit my water and freggie goals, so no points. No workouts.
Week 3:
Mon: On the same paper as Sat/Sun. No workout.
Tues-Sat: SICK!  Above the neck respiratory symptoms meant I could have worked out, but the low-grade fever kept me from attempting it. Freggie points for Sat. only. Water points each day as I was trying to hydrate the heck out of that cold!
Sun: Caught up on all the other things I had been neglecting while I was sick (laundry, housecleaning) Points for water & freggies.  

A pretty sad showing for two weeks...Tomorrow is a new day...

Friday, March 22, 2013

GOTRIbal gets a new look!

New GOTRIbal site launched TODAY!!!  Go check it out...

Have something to brag about?  Get a marathon PR? Finish your first Couch-to-5K workout?  Make it through a workout when you just weren't feeling it?  GOTRIbal is where ALL of those accomplishments will be appreciated and honored by like-minded women.  

"GOTRIbal: Connecting 'normal women who do EXTRAORDINARY things" (LOVE it!)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

SBBC Week 1

Sorry this is brief, but Liam has been keeping me running lately!  I'll do a "catch-up on my life" post soon! 

You may have noticed the Spring Booty Buster Challenge  button on my sidebar...  I'm supposed to be starting marathon training and I really need a kick in the pants.  It didn't happen this week (sadly, I did a 10 mile run the day before this started so I don't get to count it!)  Circumstances left me with no sitter and crappy weather so workouts just didn't get done.  I even miss Master Swim on weeks like this (and I pay for that whether I go or not!)  This week Dave is working nearby and is home every night so I'm hoping things will be better...

Monday: 25 minutes YogaKids with Liam, WOW (3 points)
Wednesday: 40 minutes shoveling snow (This counts, really!) (4 points)
Thursday: WOW (0.5 points)

Plus I made my freggie (fruit & veggie) goal and water goal 5 days each this week (10 points) and did the WOW (Workout of the Week) twice (2 points)

Total for the week= 19.5 points

Be back again soon... I promise!